Sunday, January 3, 2010

New Year's Gratitudes & Resolutions

Though it's already the third day of the new year I figure the best way to start my new year off, as well as my blogging for this year, with a list of all the things, people and events I'm grateful for from 2009, plus a list of my resolutions for 2010.


Though I believe that 2009 was a tough year for so many people, including my husband and I, I also believe that many things happened for which all of us can be grateful.

For the year 2009, I am grateful for:

I am grateful my neice being born healthy and beautiful in September of.

I am grateful for getting to go to South Africa (in May) and see zebras, giraffes and other African animals in their home environments.

I am grateful for being freed of my oppressive job environment in July, and getting a new job in November, one that I truly believe has the potential to be a great job.

I am grateful for helping my husband achieve the first part of his Big Dream, seeing AC Milan play against Inter Milan, in July.

I am grateful for building a stronger relationship with my sister throughout 2009.

I am grateful for my husband getting a job in June, after too many months of unemployment, one that gives him the opportunity to make a lot of money -- enough to run off to Romania for just a weekend in August!

I am grateful for all the progress I made on my novel in 2009, going from page 0 to more than 120 pages.

I am grateful for celebrating my grandmother's 90th birthday with her in August.

I am grateful for starting this blog in August.

I am grateful for going to Epcot Center with my husband, sharing a taste of Disney with him, in March.


Awhile back I blogged about all those things we always say we wish we did, all the things we believe would enrich our lives and I vowed to try and add more of them to my life. Well, as usual I didn't. There's always a reason why, time and finances being the main culprits. Well, a new year is a great time to make resolutions about the things we'll do differently in the coming year. I've never really used the opportunity the new year presents, other than to casually say to myself "this year I will do such and such" but not really meaning it, not really taking it seriously. This year I'm doing it differently. Within each part of my life, I want to achieve certain goals. And at the end of the year, I want to look back and see how I did.

Writing Resolutions

I resolve to finish the first draft of my novel in 2010.

I resolve to write at least two short stories of 10,000 words or less in 2010.

I resolve to write at least five flash fiction stories of 500 words or less.

I resolve to blog at least three times a week for the entire year.

Work Resolutions

I resolve to write at least one article a month I am truly proud of and that I will feel totally comfortable entering into competition.

I resolve to continue to build my reputation and my personal relationships with people within the industry.

Life Resolutions

I resolve to continue to build my relationship with my sister.

I resolve to be a better friend -- to stay in touch more often and to see my friends more often.

I resolve to write at least one letter a month to friends who live further away.

I resolve to take at least 4 vacations of 3 nights or more.

Financial Resolutions

I resolve to build all of my vacation funds.

I resolve to get a real start on my retirement savings.

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